After City of Saints and Vegas, we have yet another installment in the insanely popular Gangstar franchise. This is a game that’s exclusive to smart phones and tablets, devices running on Google’s Android ,Windows and Apple’s iOS operating systems. The videogame franchise it draws inspiration from is a cross platform juggernaut. It is 100% safe to say that if there was no Grand Theft Auto (more popularly referred to as GTA) there would’ve never been Gangstar games either.
Also, the latest installment is tilting the entire feel of the game towards comedy and cheekiness so it’s safe to assume that it’s inspired by yet another huge game that also started as a mere Grand Theft Auto clone. We’re talking about Saints Row games of course. Gangstar is most definitely a game that draws heavy inspiration from those two videogame franchises with all the crime oriented missions, open world, lots of cars to steal and drive and the ridiculous weapons like Easter Egg launcher and similar.
But is this a good game? Will it live up to an expectation of the fan base? What can Gangstar Vegas players expect from this newest installment? Is it a worthy successor? Let’s take a quick look at the game and try to answer that question right here and right now.
Gameplay aspects and how does this cheat improve them?
Long story short; for all of you who don’t really care that much for all the details, if you like the previous installment in the series, you will like this one as well. Almost every aspect of the game has been improved and the developers have added new stuff to break the monotony circle.
There’s a little bit of everything in this one. Essentially, it’s a crime themed third person shooter with a lot of action and humor. You can expect a lot of missions where you’ll be shooting your way through hordes of enemies taking advantage of cover-based system. However, bathing enemies in a hailstorm of bullets while being partially protected doesn’t really feel that good.
You can also use grenades which are nice addition and a fun way to dispatch enemies. Don’t worry though, shooting is not everything here. There is also stealth which, although it’s not perfect we appreciate it being there. Gangstar New Orleans Diamonds hack tool can help add a new layer of diversity to gunfights by allowing you to unlock new and upgrade the ones that you already own.
Then of course, this is a Grand Theft Auto inspired game so naturally there’s going to be a lot of driving as well. Once again, this is great feature for game of this scale to have the again, driving feels a little bit off. It’s more like you’re driving a toy rather than an actual sports car but hey, this is a mobile game and it’s never meant to be as perfect as the real videogames are, right. Of course, this hack of ours can improve the driving aspect of the game as well so give it a go.
Undoubtably, some of you will actually care for the story as well. Gangstar New Orleans has that to offer as well. This story is humorous and engaging enough for you to play through it but don’t go expecting some masterpiece, all right? We would say it’s (as far as we’ve got to experience it) an average story, no more but not less either.
And speaking of the story, you won’t really be able to experience much of it if you don’t have energy. Luckily for you, Gangstar hack can refill your energy capacity as well while other resources may help you increase it’s overall capacity.
All in all, this game is what we tend to call a jack of all trades (but unfortunately a master of none at the same time). Generally it has a fairly high overall fun factor and it will definitely appeal to you, at least for some time.
This is a game that already has its audience and we respect that the developers didn’t turn a blind eye to their fan base and their feedback and optioned to follow a path that was already set by the previous games but were creative enough at the same time to make the game feel new.
The thing we like the most about this one is the fact that the game of a tremendous scale such as this one is absolutely free to download and play. It blows our mind. Yes, the game is in fact Freemium and it incorporates the annoying energy system, sure.
The way we see it though is that if you like the game that much to play all the time, you should probably spend a couple of dollars on it and support the developers in this way. If you don’t like it that much, you probably won’t need any additional energy, refills and what not…
Of course, if you do like the game but simply can’t afford to spend real money on it, you can always use our hack for Gangstar New Orleans to add some free Cash and Diamonds to your account and perhaps buy some later when you’ve got the chance.
So how do you use Gangstar New Orleans hack to get all these?
This is quite simple actually as you have probably guessed. That is, if you know how we do things with our game hacks, you know this one is no different than the rest and it functions in exactly the same way like the rest of the game hacks here.
Those of you who are new to have no need to worry, it’s a rather simple process. In fact, it’s so simple that all you need to do is to go down to the bottom of the page and look for a big, green button and press it once you see it.
Of course that’s not all you need to do and it will in fact take you to start of the process which is highly intuitive and very user-friendly by design. So for starters, just scroll down and look for a button and then press it once you see it. Everything you need to know will be explained on the page that opens.